About Assets


Unlock the door to an entertaining journey around the world to explore the fascinating past, present and future of what makes our houses… homes. Narrated by craftsman, woodworker and actor Nick Offerman of Parks and Recreation fame, get insider access to some of the world’s most iconic locations — from caves to castles, from presidential homes to the homes of tomorrow.

From the treetop nests of our 2 million-year-old ancestors all the way to 3-D printed houses on Mars, this 3-part original series unpacks how the history of humankind is deeply entwined with the story of where, how, and why we make our homes.

World-renowned architects, designers, craftsmen and historians share extraordinary insights on every “story” of the house, from the hallways to the kitchen and upstairs to the bedrooms and bathrooms — pulling back the curtain on the histories and mysteries behind every room of our extraordinary homes. 

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