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The legendary Connections is BACK, exclusive on Curiosity Stream! 4 decades after the original series broke records on the BBC, the iconic James Burke returns with another mind-blowing look at our past, and our future. In each episode, James follows interlocking threads of knowledge to show how seemingly unrelated ideas bounce off each other and build a pathway through time that leads to the present – and a breakthrough that stands to profoundly change what lies ahead. The death of Descartes in 1649 leads to our virtual reality future; the rise of the coffee shop connects to designer genetics, and 19th century ship-boring worms brings us to artificial intelligence that is indistinguishable from people. Connections with James Burke is an entertaining romp through history and a guide to a future full of surprise and wonder – that only James’ singular brilliance can imagine.

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About the Host

James Burke

James Burke is a renowned British broadcaster, science historian, author, and television producer known for his thought-provoking presentations on the history of science and technology. The Washington Post calls James Burke “…one of the most intriguing minds in the Western world.” Burke is the producer, director, and onscreen personality behind five 10-hour series and numerous individual programs. His shows have appeared on the BBC, PBS, and The Discovery Network. He began work with the BBC’s Tomorrow’s World and was the BBC’s chief anchor and reporter on the Apollo Moon landings. His flagship series, Connections, attracted the BBC’s highest-ever audience for a documentary series when it first aired in 1979. After this, Burke made The Day the Universe Changed, two more Connections series, and a host of other shows ranging from a mini-series on the brain (The Neuron Suite) to a special on Renaissance painting for the British National Art Gallery (Masters of Illusion). Burke has also published ten books, translated into 17 languages.

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